Facial Injections PRF X 1
Treatment of fine lines and wrinkles around eyes , cheek folds, corner of lips
Treatment of fine lines and wrinkles around eyes , cheek folds, corner of lips
Rejuvenate and tighten skin on forehead, face and neck by collagen repair and production of new collagen ; no harmful chemicals or synthetic products, using own blood concentrate for natural skin enhancement
Lessen and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles around eyes, cheek folds and corner of lips
Enhance volume or prominence in temples, cheek bones and lips naturally without use of harmful drugs and chemicals
Treat bacterial infection causing acne and repair acne scars naturally without use of harmful drugs and their side effects
Microneedling , Facial Injections and Biofiller - complete “all natural makeover “ to forehead, face and neck
Regrow thinning hair for more density and thickness on the scalp using your own blood concentrate with natural growth factors
Review medical Hx, treatment goals ,assessment and treatment plan
$50.00 deposit required for new clients
Evaluation Examination and Assessment of head,face ,neck and / or jaw
Increases blood flow and oxygen levels In fatigued and sore facial muscles, improves collagen elasticity to improve skin texture and tone
With Alb PRF for extended tissue repair and growth
Gift card
Gift card
Deeper penetration into skin of face and neck to stimulate repair of collagen in aging skin to tighten and smooth the skin; more effective than dermabrasion which only removes the surface of the skin in attempt to smooth the skin
100.00 Gift Card